15,000 Scientists give Catastrophic Warning about the fate of the World in new 'Letter to Humanity' (November 2017)
If only people would wake up to the truth that yes, this world IS DYING. But it's not because of so called 'climate change' or lack of resources, it's due to the problem of sin. And one day soon, the Lord Jesus is going to return for His people, after which the world will be destroyed and renewed by fire, and all who have not given their lives to Christ will be caught up in that destroying fire (Rev.20:14-15). SO HAVE YOU GIVEN YOUR LIFE TO JESUS YET?
But Satan is using these scientists to UNITE the world into one common cause, and not only these scientists. Satan is also bringing about unity among the churches, religions and leaders of the world, due to all the troubles. We are now seeing a massive push for unity, for the people of the world to put aside their differences and unite for 'common causes'. And because the people are turning from the truth of God's Word in favor of unity, then they are placing themselves right where Satan wants them, to fall for his final deceptions.
PLEASE NOTE: The pope has previously linked the solution to 'climate change' with observing Sunday rest in his climate encyclical. So watch out for a coming Sunday law, which will be the prophesied mark of the beast - the mark of Papal Rome!
Revelation 13 says that Satan is going to bring 'fire down from heaven in the sight of men' (through the churches) to deceive the world, and Revelation 17 says that the kings of the world will give their power and authority to that 'antichrist beast', the Papacy (the Vatican). And just as Revelation 13 confirms, the world will be deceived into worshipping the Papal beast, in order to 'save the world'. Great deceptions are upon us friends. We MUST study God's Word for ourselves and be rooted in the truth, so that we will not be caught up in Satan's deceptions.
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