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ISIS 'Threatens' to kill the Pope over the Christmas Holidays (November 2017)

"A new propaganda poster released by a pro-ISIS group this weekend
depicts Pope Francis being beheaded by an ISIS jihadist. The poster was discovered on a Telegram app's pro-ISIS channel by an intelligence group, and shows a terrorist with his face masked in white robes standing over the bloody severed head of the Pope."
Amazing how they call this 'ISIS propaganda'. The worst propaganda today is mainstream news media, with it's agendas being constantly pushed, and this news item is no different. Satan is working very cleverly now. Think about it. What will this kind of news article bring about? It will bring about the mindset in the world where anyone who speaks against that man of sin, the pope, will be labelled as a 'terrorist'. And that is Satan's plan today, to make those of us who speak the truth look bad! And it will result in persecution for God's true people one day soon. But look up brothers and sisters, our redemption draweth nigh!

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